General Routines

void clear
Clears the current viewport to the current color.

void color
(Colorindex col)
Set the current color. The standard colors are as follows:

black = 0 red = 1 green = 2 yellow = 3
blue = 4 magenta = 5 cyan = 6 white = 7

These are included in vogl.h as: BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN and WHITE.

void colorf
(float col)
Same as color only it takes a floating point argument. In Iris GL there are sometimes good reasons for using this routine over color. See the GL manual for more details.

void mapcolor
(Colorindex indx,short red,short green,short blue)
Set the color map index indx to the color represented by (red, green, blue). If the device has no color map this call does nothing.

void defbasis
(short id, Matrix mat)
Define basis number id to be the matrix mat.

void polymode
(long mode)
NOTE: For this call to have any effect it must have been conditionally compilied into the library. (See polygons.c for details) Control the filling of polygons. The mode must be PYM_LINE, which means only the edges of the polygon will be drawn, or PYM_FILL, which means fill the polygon (the default). PYM=_POINT and PYM_HOLLOW are also recognised but they don't behave quite as they would with SGI GL.